We have analyzed logs of wells in North, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East and Oceania. The reputation of our Fracture Completion Log (FCL) for evaluating and quantifying properties of naturally fractured reservoirs using dual and triple porosity models is well established throughout the world. The FCL includes new techniques for evaluation of dual and triple porosity reservoirs, flow units, reservoir containers, rock fabric, particle size, capillary pressure, pore throat aperture, permeability and height above the free water table. These techniques were developed by Dr. Roberto Aguilera and have been published recently in leading journals of the petroleum engineering and geologic literature.

Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Consulting Services

Servipetrol Ltd. offers services ranging from geological evaluation to reservoir engineering studies. Our expertise with oil and gas naturally fractured reservoirs has achieved international acclaim.

The scope of projects undertaken range from brief informal discussions with clients to detailed and fully documented comprehensive studies.

Our final reports include definitive conclusions and recommendations. We can work in conjunction with client geophysicists, geologists and engineers or we can develop completely independent studies.

We have designed tests and have evaluated transient pressure data, including distance to water and/or gas contacts, internationally, from many vertical, slanted and horizontal wells in multiphase reservoirs with single, dual, and triple-porosity behavior. We use our in-house developed WELLTEST-NFR and WELLHOR software packages. Our analyses involve the use of the pressure derivative when the quality of the data warrants it.

We have forecast reservoir performance using highly specialized material balance programs developed by Servipetrol. These programs are capable of handling saturated and undersaturated reservoirs in single or dual-porosity systems. Naturally fractured aquifers and gas caps can be incorporated in the analysis. We have also forecasted the performance of gas reservoirs. Reduction in fracture porosity and fracture permeability as the reservoir is depleted can be taken into account.

Imbibition plays an important role as a recovery mechanism in many naturally fractured reservoirs. We have evaluated this phenomenon using out program IMBIBIT.

Throughout the years we have conducted successfully several studies in oil and gas reservoirs for estimating proved, probable and possible reserves in single and dual-porosity systems. An excellent source of information regarding our reserves philosophy is found in Monograph No. 1 of the Petroleum Society of CIM “Determination of Oil and Gas Reserves,” Calgary, Canada (First Edition: 1995, Second Edition: 2004).

Servipetrol Ltd. maintains an intensive research and development program to provide reservoir engineering software support for its consulting activities. Client-funded research projects can be undertaken where the software products are useful in Servipetrol's consulting services.

Well Test Analysis


We have conducted successfully several numerical simulation studies in many countries using single and dual-porosity models. Rigorous characterization of matrix and fractures properties is one of our key requirements for successful simulation of naturally fractured reservoirs.



Reserves Studies

Reservoir Modelling

Research and Development